Listing Criteria in the Council Register of Commercial Agents

Every natural or legal person can be registered as a Commercial Agent, provided that the Council of Commercial Agents is satisfied that the applicant:

  • is a holder of a school leaving certificate of a recognized secondary school or of an equivalent qualification; and
  • has not been convicted in the past 10 years immediately preceding the application for an offence involving dishonesty or for an offense against morality or the Exchange Control or Customs and Excise Laws for the time being in force and has not been declared bankrupt; or
  • is a limited company duly registered in the Republic, or an EU member state of which at all times its directors or one of them or the secretary are eligible to hold a practicing licence; or
  • is a partnership duly registered in the Republic, an EU member state of which at all times at least one of its unlimited partners is a commercial agent holding a practicing licence..